(Page under construction, prioritize and rank
relevant resources)
Florida Statewide Greenways
System Planning Project
Health Contacts
Nutrition/Physical Activity Coordinator
Tammy Ball, Med
Program Manager
Arizona Department of Health Services
2700 North 3rd Street
Suite 4050
Phoenix, AZ 85004
602-364-2401 (phone) 602-542-7351 (fax)
Cardiovascular Coordinator
Dorothy Cooper
Arizona Department of Health Services
1400 West Washington
Room 130
Pheonix, AZ 85007
602-542-7200 (phone) 602-542-7226 (fax)
State Contacts
Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator
Carol Slaker
Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator
Arizona DO, TPD Division
206 S. 17th Ave., MD 310B
Phoenix, AZ 85007
phone: 602-712-8010 fax: 602-712-3046
Enhancements Coordinator
Larz Garcia
Scenic Rd. & Transportation Enhancements Coor.
Arizona DOT
205 S. 17th Ave.
MD 617E
Pheonix, AZ 85007
602-712-7906 (phone) 602-712-3217 (fax)
Trails Coordinator
Jeff Hrycko
State Trails Coordinator
Arizona State Parks
1300 W Washington
Pheonix, AZ 85007
602-542-7116 (phone) 602-542-4180 (fax)
Additional Resources - National Organizations
National Organizations | Advocacy Groups | National Contacts
Bicycling Organizations
America Bikes
America Bikes is a coalition of eight major national bicycling
organizations focused on the reauthorization of TEA-21 in 2003.
The Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
is an organization of professional practitioners working to advance the
field of pedestrian and bicycle transportation planning, facility
design and program development.
Bikes Belong Coalition
Bikes Belong Coalition, sponsored by the American Bicycle Industry,
assists local organizations, agencies, and citizens in developing
bicycle facilities projects that will be funded by TEA-21.
The BikePlan Source--a resource for bicycle
nationwide: a growing and evolving online bicycle planning and program
guide, an extensive reference library, and weekly update of news and
views, and access to a variety of other sites.
The Federal Highway Administration's Bicycle and
Program Office is responsible for promoting bicycle and
pedestrian transportation use and safety.
The Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition is a
advocacy organization based in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia.
Site includes advocacy and cycle commuting sections as well as
information on the rides and touring cycling possibilities on Vancouver
Island and the Canadian Gulf Islands.
League of American Bicyclists (LAB)
The League of American Bicyclists is the oldest bicycling organization
in the US. It works through its members to promote better education and
better facilities for bicyclists
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
The PBIC is a clearinghouse for information about health and safety,
engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement and access and mobility.
The purpose of Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) is to enrich America's
communities and countryside by creating a nationwide network of public
trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors.
Surface Transportation Policy Project (STPP)
The Surface Transportation Policy Project is a non-profit organization
working to promote good transportation policy in the United States.
STPP's research encompasses transportation policy effects on energy
conservation, environmental protection, social equity, and livable
communities. They emphasize the needs of people, rather than vehicles,
in assuring access to jobs, services, and recreational opportunities.
Thunderhead Alliance Homepage
The Thunderhead Alliance's mission is to increase the
capacity--funding, membership and strategic ability--of organizations
advocating for better, safer cycling conditions throughout the United
Vélo Québec
Walking Organizations
America WALKs
America WALKs is a national coalition of walking advocacy groups
dedicated to promoting livable communities where people walk because
it's a real choice.
The Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
is an organization of professional practitioners working to advance the
field of pedestrian and bicycle transportation planning, facility
design and program development.
The Federal Highway Administration's Bicycle and
Program Office is responsible for promoting bicycle and
pedestrian transportation use and safety.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
The PBIC is a clearinghouse for information about health and safety,
engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement and access and mobility.
Perils for Pedestrians
"Perils for Pedestrians" is a monthly television series promoting
awareness of issues affecting the safety of people who walk. The
programs interviews advocates and government planners about problems
such as missing sidewalks and crosswalks, dangerous intersections,
speeding traffic, and obstacles to wheelchair users and people with
disabilities. "Perils for Pedestrians" appears on public access cable
stations in many cities across the United States and is also webcast.
The site also contains links to other sites of interest for pedestrian
The purpose of Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) is to enrich America's
communities and countryside by creating a nationwide network of public
trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors.
Surface Transportation Policy Project (STPP)
The Surface Transportation Policy Project is a non-profit organization
working to promote good transportation policy in the United States.
STPP's research encompasses transportation policy effects on energy
conservation, environmental protection, social equity, and livable
communities. They emphasize the needs of people, rather than vehicles,
in assuring access to jobs, services, and recreational opportunities.
Walkable Communities, Inc.
Walkable Communities helps whole communities, or parts of communities,
i.e. neighborhoods, business districts, parks, school districts,
subdivisions, specific roadway corridors, etc., become more walkable
and pedestrian friendly.
Additional Resources - National Contacts
| Advocacy Groups | National Contacts
Transportation Planning
American Planning Association (
has extensive resources for community and transportation planning,
including a book ordering service.
American Public Transit Association (
provides resources for public transit analysis and planning.
Directory of Transportation Libraries and
Information Centers (
provides information and links to dozens of libraries and information
centers dedicated to transportation.
The British Columbia Ministry of
Transportation and
Highways (
publishes documents concerning transport planning and the environmental
and social impacts of transportation.
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( has
crash data.
The Canadian Urban Transit Association (
the voice of the Canadian transit industry, and provides a variety of
information and resources.
The Centre fo rEducation in the Built
Environment (
provides planning resources.
Centre for Transport Studies, University
London ( is a
leading research institution in evaluating the economic and social
impacts of transportation decisions.
Economic Development Research Group (
has a comprehensive collection of articles and web sites dealing with
economic development impacts of transportation.
The Federal Highway Administration, Planning,
Environment and Realty website (
has extensive resources for evaluating environmental and social impacts
and incorporating them into transportation decision making.
The Federal Highway Administration annual
Statistics report (
is the source of raw data on vehicle travel, roadway use and crashes.
The Institution of Highways &
Transportation (
the primary organization for transportation professionals in the U.K.
It publishes a number of reports and guides, including some that deal
with cycle planning and environmental assessment.
Institute of Transportation Engineers ( has
extensive technical resources on traffic calming and transportation
demand management.
The Institute of Logistics and Transport (
is a major research organization that provides many resources for
transportation planning and analysis.
The 1995 Nationwide Personal Transportation
Survey (
provides access to reports and direct analysis of this extremely
comprehensive transportation survey.
The Northwestern University Center for public
provides courses on pedestrian and bicycle planning, and urban
congestion management (including TDM strategies) that should be
non-threatening to even the most conservative traffic engineer.
The San Francisco Planning and Urban Research
Association (SPUR) (
is a leading organization doing research to develop more livable urban
Transportation Association of Canada (
provides a variety of resources related to transportation planning and
Surface Transportation Policy Project (
is a collection of information and resources about making communities
more livable and helping the environment through innovative
transportation projects and initiatives.
Transport Canada (
provides a number of documents
about transportation in Canada.
The Transport Research Laboratory (
sponsors and publishes a wide range of studies on traffic,
transportation management, traffic safety and traffic calming.
Transportation Research Information Services(
is the Transportation Research Board’s bibliographic database on the
subject of transportation research. The TRIS database contains document
abstracts describing the published literature of highway research;
rural, urban, and intercity transit research, highway safety research,
railroad research, maritime research, and air transport research.
The University of California Institute of Transportation Studies (UCTC)
offers an extensive library and reports.
The Volpe National Transportation Systems
Center (
is a leading transportation research institute.
Sustainable Transportation
Transportation for a Livable City(
is an information network dedicated to promoting a balanaced
transportation system and complementary land use for more livable San
The Centre for Sustainable Transportation (
is a research institute dedicated to encouraging more sustainable
transportation policy.
Climate Change Solutions (
provides practical information on strategies for reducing greenhouse
gas emissions.
Climate Solutions (
is an independent organization working to
stop global warming by helping the Pacific Northwest to become a world
leader in practical and profitable solutions.
Comprehensive Sustainable Urban Travel
bibliographies (,
with a particular emphasis on cycling and walking, all regularly
updated, together with full list of relevant organizations, contact
details and web sites.
Detour Publications ( provides
information related to urban ecology and transportation planning.
Energy Aware Committee (
promotes sustainable community planning and produces a tool kit for
planners on how to reduce community energy consumption, particularly
more efficient transportation.
EnviroWindows (
provides environmental information for business and local authorities.
European Federation for Transport and
is a European umbrella for non-governmental organizations promoting an
environmentally responsible approach to transport.
The Institute for Transportation &
Policy (
is an organization that supports sustainable transportation policies
throughout the world, including in developing countries.
International Institute for Environment and
Development (
performs research on strategies for supporting economic development and
improving the environment in lower income countries.
The Pembina Institute (
is a leading Canadian research organization dealing with energy policy
and climate change emissions.
Urban Travel and Sustainable Development(
containing mostly UK publications but quite a bit of other European and
International materials.
The Sustainable Transportation Action Network
Asia and Pacific(SUSTRAN) network (
promotes and popularizes people centered, equitable and sustainable
transport with a focus on Asia and the Pacific.
Transportation Environmental Impacts
Carfree Times (
is an international journal dedicated to promoting reduced automobile
Center for Transportation and the Environment
North Carolina State University ( provides extensive
technical information on quantifying environmental impacts.
Northwest Environment Watch (
is an environmental organization that performs studies on the
environmental impacts of automobile use and sprawl.
The Nonpoint Education for Municipal
Officials(NEMO) Project (
is a University of Connecticut Educational program for land use
decision makers that addresses the relationship of land use to natural
resource protection.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Center for Environmental Economics website (
has a broad range of useful resources, some of which apply specifically
to transportation.
The Union of Concerned Scientists Transportation Website (
provides information on more environmentally and socially responsible
transportation options.
Université Libre de Bruxelles Center
Economic and Social Studies on the Environment Sustainable Development
Library (
provides comprehensive information on sustainable development.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Smart Communities Network(
has information on sustainable community transportation planning.
Scenic America (
is the public policy voice for people who want to protect natural
beauty and community character. This organization provides resources to
help incorporate aesthetic values in public planning.
Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads(
The Grassroots Activist website for the Wild Rockies region works to
reduce road building in wilderness areas.
Transportation Equity
is an advocacy organization representing the interests of people with
disabilities, which sponsors many projects related to mobility and
access issues.
Children on the Move website about children
The Center for Neighborhood Technology (
operates programs that address transportation, land use and housing
issues in urban America.
The Community Transportation Association ( is
a coalition of agencies that provide mobility services for non-drivers.
The Conservation Law Foundation ( has programs and materials
dealing with transportation equity.
The Environmental Defense Fund ( is a
national non-profit organization that works on a number of initiatives
to integrate environmental and equity goals.
Gender and Transport web-site and Social Exclusion & Transport
web-site, Dept. of Planning, University of Manchester, (
RoadPeace ( is the United Kingdom’s
national charity for road crash victims, “Working for Real Road Safety;
Supporting those bereaved or injured in a road crash.”
The Surface Transportation Policy Project (
works to create more equitable and environmentally responsible
transportation policies.
Transportation Alternatives (
represents the interests ofcyclist and pedestrians in New York City.
U.S. Department of Transportation has Environmental Justice information
Transportation Demand Management
Association for Commuter Transportation(ACT) (
is a non-profit organization that supports transportation demand
management programs.
Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST) (
promotes alternative modes of travel throughout the Vancouver region.
Carsharing websites (
provides information on carsharing programs, which allow “All the
freedom of driving, without the hassles and expense of owning a car.”
The Center for Neighborhood Technology (
promotes public policies, new resources and accountable authority which
support sustainable, just and vital urban communities. They have
innovative research on location-efficient mortgages.
Center for a Sustainable Economy (
provides resources concerning tax shifting and environmental tax
reform, including proposals to change fuel and vehicle prices.
Center for Urban Transportation Research at
University of South Florida( provides TDM resources
for transportation planners and program developers.
The California Air Resources Board (
provides a variety of information about more efficient transportation
and land use.
Commuter Check (
is a business that works with transit agencies to provide transit
vouchers as tax exempt employee benefit, as is now allowed under
federal income tax law.
The EPA Commuter Choice Program (
provides resources for developing parking cash out programs.
Environment Canada Green Lane program (
promotes Transportation Demand Management and other strategies for
reducing transportation environmental impacts.
"Great Options in Transportation" Go Boulder (
is an excellent example of a
community-base TDM program.
Information and Publicity Helping the
Objective of
Reducing Motorized Mobility (INPHORMM) (
is an organization that supports TDM marketing efforts.
The Rides Program (
provides commute trip
reduction services in the San Francisco region.
RoadPeace (
is the United Kingdom’s national charity for road crash victims,
“Working for Real Road Safety; Supporting those bereaved or injured in
a road crash.”
The TDM Resource Center (
provides travel demand management materials, planning research,
information and limited funding to state, regional and local agencies
and public/private partnerships.
Transportation Control Measures Directory (\tcmsitei.nsf)
provides a searchable database of TDM strategies, programs and case
The University of British Columbia’s (Trip
reduction,Research, Education & Knowledge)TREK program centre(
and the University of Washington UPass Program (
a variety of transportation services to college students and employees,
resulting in substantial (20-40%) reductions in automobile trips.
Victoria Transport Policy Institute (
provides resources for planning and evaluating TDM, bicycling and
walking programs, including the Online TDM Encyclopedia.
Traffic and Safety
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (
has many studies and fact sheets that summarize crash data.
The Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
provides information on crash deaths.
The Transportation Research and Injury
Programme (TRIPP) (
at the India Institute of Technology is an interdisciplinary program
focusing on the reduction of adverse health effects of road transport,
with particular attention to conditions in developing countries. The
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (
has summary reports. It also provides crash data by vehicle model (
The Royal Society for the Prevention of
Accidents(ROSPA) ( has considerable
road safety resources.
For a study of pedestrian/bicycle crashes (in New York City) see the
recent report Killed by Automobile by the group Right of Way (
Pedestrian and Bicycle Issues
American Trails (
goal is to foster communication among trail users. The site provides
links to 600 other trail sites, a library of hundreds of trail-related
articles, news items and action alerts.
Bicycle Federation of America (
provides a variety of resources related to bicycle and pedestrian
planning and advocacy.
The Bike Hub; National Bicycle Safety Network
is a program by the Center for Disease Control to encourage bicycle
safety, particularly helmet use.
The Cornell University Law website (
has traffic law(including pedestrian laws) for most U.S. states.
The Federal Highway Administration Pedestrian
Program (
provides a variety of pedestrian safety information and resources.
The International Bicycle Fund (
offers information on bicycle tours and development in Africa and other
developing regions.
International Walk to School Day (
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
provides a community walkability checklist and other child pedestrian
safety resources.
National Transportation Week Pedestrian Website (
provides links to a number of other pedestrian planning websites.
Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning (
is an example of bicycle and pedestrian planning at its best.
Partnership for a Walkable America (
promotes the benefits of walking and supports efforts to make
communities more pedestrian friendly.
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
provides a variety of technical information on non-motorized transport
planning and programs.
Perils for Pedestrians (
is a monthly cable television series promoting awareness of issues
affecting the safety of people who walk. The website has resources for
pedestrian advocates. Right of Way ( is a group of activists
dedicated to asserting the rights of car-free street users – including
pedestrians, cyclists, and skaters – and fighting back against
car violence.
Sustrans (
is a British organization that designs and builds routes for cyclists,
walkers and people with disabilities.
Vancouver Island Safety Council (
works to “prevent accidents of all kinds on the roads of British
Columbia” by offering traffic safety programs, including pedestrian and
bicycle safety education.
America WALKs (
is a coalition of walking advocacy groups across America.
Walkable Communities, Inc. (
works with communities to create more people-oriented environments.
Livable Communities
The American Farmland Trust (
works to stop the loss of productive farmland and to promote farming
practices that lead to a healthy environment. AFT has conducted cost of
community services studies around the country.
The American Planning Association (
is the professional society for planners in the U.S. The APA’s “Growing
Smart” initiative includes a Legislative Guidebook with model
legislation, a national planning statute clearinghouse and a database
of state legislative materials. ( explores carfree cities
past, present, and future, and provides practical solutions to the
problems of urban automobile use.
Center for Livable Communities ( helps local governments
and community leaders be proactive in their land use and transportation
planning, and adopt programs and policies that lead to more livable and
resource-efficient land use patterns.
Congress for New Urbanism ( is a
movement centered on intelligent neighborhood planning, and a return to
the type of urban communities built to a human scale, and not to the
scale that only benefits the car.
Conservation Based Development (
focuses on sustainability issues. It includes a tool box, news and
views, real stories, connections to dozens of other websites on
sustainable development, and a reference desk.
The Environmental Policy Project (
is an excellent website devoted to the takings issue, including an
introduction to takings and sections on the courts, Congress, state
legislatures, EPP papers and research, and related Internet resources.
1000 Friends of Oregon (
is an independent organization dedicated to research, public education
and advocacy related to land use and growth management issues.
League of American Bicyclists (;) The Bicycle Friendly Communities Campaign is an
awards program of the League of American Bicyclists, supported in part
by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that recognizes municipalities
that actively support bicycling.
Green Communities Association ( helps
support community-based organizations working to achieve environmental
The Institute for Local Self Reliance (
provides technical assistance and information on environmentally sound
economic development strategies.
The International Council for Local
Initiatives(ICLEI) (
is the "international environmental agency for local governments" which
provides tool to help communities become healthier and more
environmentally responsible.
The Living Room (
is an advocacy webzine for “exploring the physical and social
structures of human society and their relationship to the rest of
life.” It devotes attention to urban community, land use and
transportation issues.
National Trust for Historic Preservation (
works to preserve historic sites, and improve the quality of life in
American communities. Provides practical resources and information.
Planners Web (,
maintained by the
Planning Commissioners Journal, includes a sprawl resources guide, a
primer for citizen planners, a tour of 12 key planning related sites,
and a section on conservation design for subdivisions.
Sierra Club Sprawl Campaign (
provides information on strategies for reducing sprawl impacts.
Sustainable Communities Network (
provides tools to help citizens work together to define a community’s
course and make it more sustainable.
Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse (
provides information, advice & referrals on sprawl & smart
growth. Clearinghouse helps advocates, grassroots organizations, public
officials, developers, architects, planners, policy makers & others
revitalize existing communities and reduce sprawl.
The Smart Growth Network (
includes planners, govt. officials, lenders, community developers,
architects, environmentalists and activists. It encourages development
that protects the environment and pays for itself without raising
property taxes.
- Terrain Journal of the Built & Natural
Environments (
is a quarterly online journal dealing with regional and community
planning issues.
Transit-Focused Development ( provides information on
transit oriented community design.
WebStrade (
is an Italian website devoted to sustainable community planning.
World Health Organization Healthy
Cities and
Urban Goverance(
provides information on international efforts to create healthy cities.
Environmental Planning and Economics
Environment Canada (
has information on environmental impacts and mitigation programs.
Climate Solutions (
provides information and resources
concerning global climate change issues and emission reduction
U.S. EPA (
has information on transportation planning and policy to reduce
environmental impacts.
The Institute for Science and Technology Policy (
Murdoch University performs research and education on social and
ecological policy, and is particularly involved in identifying
strategies for achieving more sustainable transportation and land use
International Society for Ecological Economics (
is a professional organization of people interested in valuing
ecological resources.
The Lincoln Institute ofLand Policy (
is dedicated to research related to land policy and management
The Preservation Institute (
believes that modernization and growth can harm the natural and social
environments, and so recommends selective implementation of new
The Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse (
is a resource center that provides information, advice, and referrals
on issues related to sprawl and smart growth. The Clearinghouse helps
advocates, grassroots organizations, public officials, developers,
architects, planners, policy makers and others revitalize existing
communities and reduce urban sprawl.
The Sustainable Development Research
Institute (
fosters research on sustainable development issues that is
policy-relevant, interdisciplinary and involves nonacademic partners.
The Worldwatch Institute (
supports research and education programs dealing with long-term social
equity and ecological viability.
Health Benefits of Walking and Bicycling
Bikes Belong ( is a cycling advocacy
organization that provides resources for promoting cycling.
Canadian Association for Health, Physical
Education, Recreation and Dance
provides resources and encouragement for family and community fitness
Child & Family Canada (
provides information on health and fitness, as well as other resources
about children and families.
Go For Green (
helps individual
Canadians to participate in outdoor physical activities, at the same
time encouraging them to become good environmental citizens.
National Institutes of Health (
provides information on the health benefits of regular exercise.
UK Health Development Agency(
has excellent material to promote “transport exercise” and better
integration of non-motorized transportation in public health programs.
National Health committee(
Active for Life: a call for action is a New Zealand program that
promotes regular aerobic exercise.
Traffic Calming
Canadian Guide to Neighborhood Traffic Calming,
Transportation Association of Canada (Ottawa;,
David Engwicht Communications (
provides workshops and educational materials for “street reclaiming” by
neighborhood residents.
Congress for the New Urbanism’s Narrow
Database ( provides
information on narrower street standards adopted in various communities.
City of Portland Traffic Calming website. (
PTI “Slow Down You’re Going Too Fast”
Guide to Traffic Calming (
provides good summary information on traffic calming techniques,
benefits and costs.
Americans Against Traffic Calming (
summarizes anti-traffic calming concerns.